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How to cook Honey Mustard Chicken
Honey mustard chicken is grilled chicken mixed with a sauce made from honey and mustard.A sauce made with honey and mustard has a perfect balance

How to cook Braised Pork Ribs (Braised Spare Ribs)
Pork spare ribs are slow-cooked in a sauce made with beer and tomato paste. The braising liquid, which is full of pork flavor, is strained

Lapeña grateful with GSIS assistance
TAGUIG CITY – Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Secretary Isidro Lapeña expressed his gratitude to the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) for its

TESDA launches training programs for OFWs in NCR
TAGUIG CITY – More Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in the National Capital Region (NCR), who have lost their jobs abroad during the pandemic, are expected

Lapeña eases up portfolio assessment requirements for outbound OFWs
TAGUIG CITY – Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who are about to be deployed abroad will now go through an easier process of portfolio assessment. It